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SharePoint Intranet Specification

Sei-IS was asked to advice a large organisation on using Moss 2007 for their Intranet service. The brief was to deliver Web 2.0 functionality wherever possible on an Intranet that currently showed 28,000 pages listed with nearly half a million files including several thousand videos.

The specification process

The system was to cover 49 Countries ultimately and numerous languages. Luckily it was agreed that the first stage would be rolled out to the Geneva HQ initially and then add offices in due course. Project Manager Steve Dalby and the SEI-IS team worked with the internal team to visit all the departments and filter through the 28,000 pages eventually bringing the number down to a more manageable 6,000 current pages.

SharePoint templates

The team also prioritised the information and prepared the listing for taxonomy review and construction. Designs for the Business would include workflow built Using Nintex workflow tools and reporting across the system would use Nintex reports. Templates for the pages would be simple and incorporate appropriate navigation for Global, Local and team access.

SharePoint demonstration

Several examples of process workflow have been collected including some that use a combination of Intranet and Extranet pages to share information with external design agencies as part of an approval process for marketing excellence materials. A full working demonstration MOSS 2007 site was created and branded to enable the business to understand SharePoint technology and manage the collection of data as various countries completed information assessments in preparation for the new Intranet.

Prince 2 methodologies

This Intranet would be managing 1.5 million page views per year for the initial roll out and an expected 5 million per year within 3-5 years. This stage of the project to managed using Prince2 project management document structures. A requirement for a full managed Taxonomy to support the Sei-IS provided Governance structure was managed and directed by the team.

Background research

Audiences, key search terms, workflow requirements, permission structures , custom applications were all researched and identified for the document. Application services, such as Form server, language variances, media Streaming and search engines were identified and specified for the project definition. Custom applications was assessed for business benefit and specifications for various examples created and readied for the development teams. Lists of all applications required was prioritised.

Information compiled into a 10,000+ word document for tendering.

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Next Steps:

If you would like help with specifying your SharePoint Intranet, or would just like to talk to a SharePoint expert then please contact me, I'll be glad to help:

[button link="/contact/" color="green"]Call Steve on: +32 54 51 84 46 or CLICK HERE>[/button]

If you have any questions, or would like to share some feedback then please use the comments below.

Many thanks - Steve

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