All projects require a specific level of Business Change to be successful and SharePoint is no exception. In fact it could be that as SharePoint touches nearly every employee then it is a greater part of the critical project timeline.

We have found that training is the best way to ensure that the investment $, £ or € in your SharePoint project is successful. However to ensure that the message gets home ot your users we combine this with a medium amount of floor walking to visit the user at their desktop and ensure that they understand what and how SharePoint does.
This ensures that the key messages are delivered in the context of the user and their way or working.
Power-Day Plus takes the training and floor walking to a practical level. The users attend a Power Day Libraries day and the instructor then spends 20-30 minutes with each student at their desktop following up on questions and enquiries ensuring that the functionality covered in the training is applied practically to whatever the student's role in the business is.
In addition this often highlights SharePoint build requirements from within the business ensuring that SharePoint becomes the de -acto tool for managing information across the business. Further information is available from Steve Dalby | | 0032 497 332023 | 0044 117 230 2365